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House of Vic-Ryn
Moira Road
BT28 2RF
United Kingdom


Stewarding Growth Conference

Stewarding Growth Conference 2024

As local church communities we all want to be active and effective as instruments of God’s mission in the world. To proclaim the gospel, to teach and nurture young and old as disciples of Christ, to transform unjust structures, to respond to the needs of those in poverty and to protect God’s creation.

It’s a daunting task and one that without God’s help would be impossible.

And as any Church treasurer, Select vestry member or Elder will tell you, these essential components of the work of the Church require financial resources to make them possible.

If you are interested in learning more about how Churches can raise sustainable financial support to facilitate a big vision then this half-day conference is for you.

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Stewarding Growth: Sourcing and managing funds for church growth and mission

Whether you are a church leader, elder, select vestry member, treasurer, or anyone who wants to learn more about how to support your local church, this conference will allow you to learn from those with experience in church fundraising.

We will cover three key areas:

  • How to encourage a culture of generosity
  • Seeking and working with external funders
  • Unleashing the power of legacy giving

And there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss your own context with our expert speakers.

There is no cost, however if you would like to give a small donation to cover the cost of lunch that would be much appreciated.

Stewarding Growth: Speaker Bios

Rev Gareth Maclean:

My name is Gareth. I’m married to Lara and we have 3 amazing kids, Karis, Archie and Lily. When I am not running, reading or drinking good coffee I have the privilege of leading an amazing gathering of people in Orangefield. As a family or families we seek together with Jesus, to bring life to Belfast and the nations.

Philip McMillan:

Philip has been involved in many aspects of fundraising both locally and internationally since the late 1980s. His experience has seen him work on behalf of both donors and those seeking funds, giving him a unique insight into the full funding process. In 2023 he established his consultancy, Mahema Consult, with the purpose of providing fundraising and governance support to charities and voluntary organisations. Philip is married to Deborah, they have three children and four grandchildren.

Hilary McClay

Hilary has spent nearly 30 years working with local churches to help them engage with their local community so that we are truly salt and light in our community. She is now working with the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal for overseas aid and development as Education Advisor. Hilary is married to David and has three children and four grandchildren. 

Keith Gardiner:

Keith has worked in a variety of roles within academic and healthcare settings as surgeon, researcher, educator and leader. For 8 years, Keith was chief executive of a healthcare training organisation within NI.  In addition to his medical qualifications, Keith has higher degrees in research, education and theology. Since 2020, Keith has been working in the Diocese of Down and Dromore, helping to support church growth through promoting generosity and fundraising. Keith is married to Ruth and they have two adult children. They have been members of Lisburn Cathedral for over 30 years. 

Kathy Childress:

Kathy is the Legacy Partnerships and Training Specialist at Christian Aid. Kathy is responsible for training staff, volunteers and external stakeholders to understand the importance and impact of legacy giving to our own charity and to Christian Aid’s sponsoring churches. She aims to equip trainees with the knowledge and confidence they need to talk about legacy giving in their own contexts.

Liz Burrell:

Liz is the Legacy Campaign Advisor at Christian Aid. Liz is responsible for the day-to-day running and coordination of legacy campaigns at Christian Aid – with a particular focus on their ecumenical legacy campaign – Faith Will, now in its second year.