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Christian Aid Ireland Magazine

Explore the latest issue, packed with powerful stories of hope and change. Your support is transforming lives worldwide.
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26 articles

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The ‘accidental humanitarians’ doing all they can for Ukraine

Christian Aid’s Karen McDonnell reflects on her time spent in Ukraine over the last year, including the impact of Christian Aid’s cash response and the inspiring ‘accidental humanitarians’ she met.

Providing vital medical support to Ukraine

Read how Christian Aid, together with our partner, have been providing vital medical supplies and equipment to where they are needed most in Ukraine.

How cleaner fuel is transforming lives in Northern Malawi

On International Women’s Day, read how our EU-funded Breaking the Barriers programme helped a women’s group boost their income while also making a cleaner fuel source available in their communities.

Supporting survivors of domestic violence in El Salvador

In this blog, we hear ‘Alejandra’s’ story and take a look at how with support from Irish Aid, Christian Aid’s local partner ORMUSA is supporting survivors of domestic violence in El Salvador.

Blessed are the peacemakers

How Christian Aid is helping to build peace in Burundi

Celebrate the power of mums

Will you stand with mums like Tenneh in Sierra Leone this Christian Aid Week?

What does the Nation State Law mean for Palestinians in IoPt?

What does the Nation State Law mean for Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Territory?

International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict

Christian Aid stands in solidarity with the survivors of sexual violence in conflict and calls on the international community, governments and civil society to protect survivors and respond to their needs, take action to prevent this violence, and ensure