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People before palm oil

Read how a palm oil plantation impacted a community in Sierra Leone and how our local partners are helping people get back on their feet

Kenya: From Drought to Floods

Read how despite the recent rains, people in northern Kenya are still coping with the after effects of the worst drought in decades.

Building peace between farmers and herders in Sierra Leone

In this blog read how Christian Aid’s local partner in Sierra Leone has worked to reduce conflict between cattle herders and crop farmers.

Get a Peas of the Action this Christian Aid Week

This year we are celebrating the incredible impact that the small-but-mighty pigeon pea is having on farming communities in Malawi

Supporting women to take leadership roles in Sierra Leone

On international women’s day, read how with funding from Irish Aid our local partner in Sierra Leone is supporting women to take leadership roles and become more active in politics.

New report: African countries on track to face 64% GDP hit due to climate crisis

A new study published by Christian Aid highlights the devastating economic impact climate change will inflict on the African continent.

Horn of Africa crisis

The worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in 40 years is causing terrible suffering. In this blog, we hear from communities we are supporting in northern Kenya.

Seeing firsthand the impact of the worst drought in Kenya for 40 years

In this blog, Christian Aid Ireland’s CEO Rosamond Bennett reflects on her recent trip to Northern Kenya where she witnessed first-hand the impact of the worst drought in 40 years.

Supporters swap stockings for sandbags for South Sudan

As part of our Christmas Appeal, Christian Aid Ireland supporters have been highlighting the hunger crisis in flood-hit South Sudan where more than 2 million people are at risk of falling into famine.

Vaccine inequality hitting lower income countries the hardest

In this blog, we hear from Christian Aid colleagues based in Africa to get their take on the real-life impacts of vaccine inequality between wealthy and poorer countries.

Nairobi’s slums: Women facing violence & poverty amidst the pandemic

In the run up to this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we hear from some survivors being supported by CREAW to rebuild their lives amidst the challenge of global pandemic.