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Giving peas a chance in Malawi

In this blog read how one widowed grandmother is making her children’s dreams come true.

Cycle Freddy update

Cyclone Freddy, the longest-lasting tropical cyclone on record (lasting 34 days), has hit Malawi and Mozambique. This cyclone is the equivalent of a full North Atlantic hurricane season.

Get a Peas of the Action this Christian Aid Week

This year we are celebrating the incredible impact that the small-but-mighty pigeon pea is having on farming communities in Malawi

Keeping valuable livestock alive and healthy in north-east Nigeria

In this blog, we take a look at the para vet service established in north-east Nigeria by Christian Aid with World Food Programme funds and how it’s helping farmers to keep valuable livestock healthy.

New report: African countries on track to face 64% GDP hit due to climate crisis

A new study published by Christian Aid highlights the devastating economic impact climate change will inflict on the African continent.

Horn of Africa crisis

The worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in 40 years is causing terrible suffering. In this blog, we hear from communities we are supporting in northern Kenya.

How cleaner fuel is transforming lives in Northern Malawi

On International Women’s Day, read how our EU-funded Breaking the Barriers programme helped a women’s group boost their income while also making a cleaner fuel source available in their communities.

Supporters swap stockings for sandbags for South Sudan

As part of our Christmas Appeal, Christian Aid Ireland supporters have been highlighting the hunger crisis in flood-hit South Sudan where more than 2 million people are at risk of falling into famine.

Ireland’s climate finance commitment ‘only half of its fair share’

A response to Taoiseach Micheál Martin committing during Ireland’s national statement today at COP26 to increasing Ireland’s climate finance contributions to at least €225 million by 2025.

Together we are stronger

A blog for Harvest focusing on Malawi - then and now.

Vaccine inequality hitting lower income countries the hardest

In this blog, we hear from Christian Aid colleagues based in Africa to get their take on the real-life impacts of vaccine inequality between wealthy and poorer countries.

Margaret and Sandy Lindsay: the willpower to change lives

Retired Christian Aid supporters Margaret and Sandy Lindsay explain why they were inspired to leave a gift to Christian Aid in their Will.