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Christian Aid Ireland Magazine

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Fleeing fighting in eastern Congo

Read how our local partner is supporting families in eastern DRC who were forced to flee their homes to escape fighting and are now living in makeshift camps.

Turkey-Syria earthquake - one year on

Stories of support demonstrate compassion and solidarity during times of crisis

Overcoming drought and flooding in Honduras' 'Dry Corridor'

Read how our local partner is supporting people living in Honduras’ ‘Dry Corridor’ to better protect themselves from extreme weather and diversify their crops to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Supporting a survivor build a new life in Eastern Congo

To kick start this year’s 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, read how sustained support helped a survivor of sexual violence build a new life for herself in DRC.

Turkey-Syria earthquake - six months on

Stories of support demonstrate compassion and solidarity during times of crisis

Keeping valuable livestock alive and healthy in north-east Nigeria

In this blog, we take a look at the para vet service established in north-east Nigeria by Christian Aid with World Food Programme funds and how it’s helping farmers to keep valuable livestock healthy.

On the frontline of the climate crisis – boosting the income of rural families in Honduras

Read how a Christian Aid supported solar energy project is helping women in rural Honduras to earn an income and ensuring communities are less reliant on cutting down trees to help light their homes.

Vaccine inequality hitting lower income countries the hardest

In this blog, we hear from Christian Aid colleagues based in Africa to get their take on the real-life impacts of vaccine inequality between wealthy and poorer countries.

MMA world champ, Leah McCourt, and friends to take a leap of faith

Will you join Leah and Glenlola schoolgirls Megan, Amy and Grace in their abseil challenge?

Charity shop manager gets Cullybackey designated as a 'safe village'

Volunteer manager of Christian Aid charity shop gets Cullybackey designated as a 'safe village'.