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Christian Aid Ireland Magazine

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Latest dispatch from Gaza

Blog: After more than 200 days of war, Gaza is in ruins and the death toll is unimaginable.

People before palm oil

Read how a palm oil plantation impacted a community in Sierra Leone and how our local partners are helping people get back on their feet

Struggles facing families in Gaza

In this blog, Christian Aid’s consultant in Gaza Ahmed Sourani describes the many struggles facing people in Gaza as well as their hopes for an immediate ceasefire and a just, lasting peace.

Diary from a warzone

In this blog, read a firsthand account of what daily life is like in a displacement camp inside Gaza

Voices from Gaza

In this blog, hear directly from Christian Aid’s medical partner in Gaza about the challenges medical workers are facing right now.


Christian Aid Ireland statement on the escalation of violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

Giving peas a chance in Malawi

In this blog read how one widowed grandmother is making her children’s dreams come true.

Building peace between farmers and herders in Sierra Leone

In this blog read how Christian Aid’s local partner in Sierra Leone has worked to reduce conflict between cattle herders and crop farmers.

Cycle Freddy update

Cyclone Freddy, the longest-lasting tropical cyclone on record (lasting 34 days), has hit Malawi and Mozambique. This cyclone is the equivalent of a full North Atlantic hurricane season.

Supporting women to take leadership roles in Sierra Leone

On international women’s day, read how with funding from Irish Aid our local partner in Sierra Leone is supporting women to take leadership roles and become more active in politics.

How cleaner fuel is transforming lives in Northern Malawi

On International Women’s Day, read how our EU-funded Breaking the Barriers programme helped a women’s group boost their income while also making a cleaner fuel source available in their communities.

Faces that Sow

Changing perceptions of coca growers in Colombia.

Together we are stronger

A blog for Harvest focusing on Malawi - then and now.

Colombia's female human rights defenders need Ireland's support

Ireland knows only too well that peace is fragile and precarious. The signing of a peace deal, whether in Colombia or Northern Ireland, signals the beginning rather than the end of the hard work on building lasting peace.

Celebrate the power of mums

Will you stand with mums like Tenneh in Sierra Leone this Christian Aid Week?

Inside Gaza: “Let the world know about our suffering”

Here, we hear first-hand from Rana who works for Christian Aid’s local partner the Women’s Affairs Centre about what has been happening inside Gaza.

Different boats in the same storm

Far from being a ‘great equalizer’, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed deep inequality throughout our world. Ruth Cooke looks at how Christian Aid partners are working to support vulnerable communities in the IOPT over lockdown.

Press Release

OECD to investigate ESB links to human rights abuses at Colombian mine following complaint