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List Resources – by theme of work

Middle East Crisis Appeal Church Powerpoint

A presentation about the Middle East Crisis Appeal to use in services for a church collection

Christian Aid in the Philippines: an exit learning review

Building climate resilience and strengthening civil society

Advent prayers for Syria and Yemen

God of Advent, We wait for a message to the world, and a message has come. Not a message of hope but of horror.

Prayer for Sierra Leone

A prayer for those affected by the mudslides in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Prayer for South Sudan

Prayer for South Sudan

Prayer for the world based on Psalm 13

How long, O Lord? Can we hide our faces from the headlines of violence and tragedy?

Hold a church collection

You and your church can make a real difference to people affected by emergencies and disasters. Contact us to order envelopes for a church collection.

Email our Dublin office: or telephone 01 496 7040

Email our Belfast office: or telephone 028 9064 8133

Emergency appeals

We’re there before, during and after emergencies to save lives and support people for the long term.